The New CDC Guidelines and Why the Speech-Language Pathology Community is Concerned
Recently the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) updated various Speech and Language milestones in their "Learn the Signs, Act...

When Should I Seek A Speech Evaluation?
When should you consider seeing a speech therapist in St.Louis, MO

Welcome to Toy Land- Tips for Selecting Toys for your Child
As a speech-language pathologist, I am often asked to recommend toys or books that enhance speech/language growth and development. When I...

Special Needs Family Friendly Activities in Saint Louis
The Fourth of July has come and gone and for many of us it's the ceremonial marker of summer's half-way point. Some parents may be...

How to Balance your Child's Tech Use and Encourage their Speech-Language Development
Each May, Better Speech and Hearing Month provides Speech Pathologists and Audiologists with the opportunity to educate and raise...

What did you do at school today?- 5 tips to get your kids talking.
Oh that age old question we all ask our children when they hop off the bus, get in the car, or sit down to the dinner table. And I am...

Is my child's speech & language developing at a normal pace?
One of the questions I get the most working as speech therapist in an elementary school is, is my child's speech & language developing at...

Keeping Your Kids Engaged in Speech and Language Over the Summer!
With summertime quickly approaching my students can barely contain their excitement for all of the upcoming camps, sports and vacations...