2017 Summer Speech & Language Clinics
With summer quickly approaching, it is time to think about how your child can continue to grow in their speech & language skills and avoid the dreaded "summer slide". In addition to our always available private therapy sessions, we are excited to offer 2 two-week intensive clinics this June and July to address two areas of specific need. Check out our schedule and call to enroll today if you feel your child would benefit from either of these programs.

Pre-K Social Skills Group~ This 2 week intensive clinic is offered to little ones currently attending preschool (ages 4-5) or heading into Kindergarten in the fall who have been identified as having a social skills delay. This clinic will focus on the essential skills needed to succeed in a group setting- turn taking, following directions, conversational skills such as answering questions and asking questions, emotional regulation, and so much more. All of these skills will be taught using fun and engaging play-based activities.
June 5-8 & 12-15 from 9:30-11:00 (small snack provided- please alert staff of any allergies your child might have at the time of enrollment).

Articulation (Speech Impairment) Group~ This 2 week intensive clinic is offered to school aged kiddos (6 and up) whose speech has been identified as delayed for their age. This clinic will focus on increasing speech intelligibility by working through a variety of techniques for some of those most difficult to produce sounds (darn that /r/!).
July 10-13 & 17-20 from 9:30-11:00 (small snack provided- please alert staff of any allergies your child might have at the time of enrollment).
Please contact Liz Dunn at 314-312-3268 or SpeechSpotSTL@gmail.com for more information regarding cost and possible insurance coverage and/or to enroll. Limited space is available for both clinics. Registration deadline is Friday May 26, 2017.